The Bereavement Journey

If you’ve been bereaved, either recently or some time ago, this six-week course will help you in the process of working through grief and loss.

It’s designed to give you a chance to explore some of the issues around grief in a safe and friendly environment. The course will run in person from someone’s home.

The course is based on Christian principles, but it’s made for everyone, whether you have a faith or not. We’ve found that we can all learn from each other’s experiences along the way.

How it works

We watch two short films and have time to talk in small groups.

We’ll cover topics such as:

  • Attachment, separation and loss
  • The impact and pain of bereavement
  • Anger and guilt
  • Coping with others’ reactions

There is an optional sixth session exploring the faith perspective.

More info

The course will run in person in Central Brighton and Hove, with a weekly meal.

Cost: £30 (includes the meal and course materials)

Next course: TBC

Please contact if you would like more information.