The Pre-Marriage Course
Start strong...
Whether you’re exploring the idea of marriage or already engaged, this course will help you by build foundations for your life together, and deepen your understanding of the person you love.
It kicks off with an online survey (a fun one) all about you. Then you’ll go on six dates together, covering a wide range of topics including finances, forgiveness, sex, and the wider family.
If you’re a couple in a long-term, committed relationship, this is for you. (Whether you have a faith or not.)
How it works
Each week you’ll eat together, watch a video and enjoy some structured conversations, jotting down thoughts along the way in your rather swish course journals. Finally, you’re invited for dinner with another couple to talk through your survey results and reflect on the course.
“We wanted the best chance of making our marriage work and last through the ups and downs, and we wanted to learn and take advice from people with more experience than us. We didn’t let anything interfere with our 5 evenings. They were magic.”
More info
Fee: £15 for two beautiful course journals, sent to your home
Next course: summer course dates will be here soon
Please contact if you would like more information.